Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Don't Leave

I loved you too much to forget you – I still wait for you
Our time has stopped – it feels like you’re next to me
Don’t leave, don’t leave me – you only gave me scars in my heart
Don’t leave, don’t make me cry, come back to me
The only person who crazily cherished me in my entire life was you
My love has died in this fragment of separation and it’s pitiful and tortuous
This night is lonely baby don’t know why
As if a flower petal has fallen, your body grows further away
My reflection in the mirror is like a crazy woman
Trembling as if she’s nervous – the great depth of my sadness makes tears flow
If I hide my tears in the falling rain, can all of our memories be hidden?
If I erase your name that I long for, can all of your face be erased?
Don’t leave, don’t leave me – you only gave me scars in my heart
Don’t leave, don’t make me cry, come back to me
My heart in your train, whether it’s ripped, thrown away, hidden or burned
It remains like perfume, I see it like a picture, it’s engraved like a stigma, remember that – don’t wanna cry
The days where you were my world tortures me, the memories where you were my law pierces me
I can’t let go of the string of fate, I can’t just let you go like this
Though I shout and shout to call you out, I don’t know where you are
Don’t leave, don’t make me cry, come back to me
Such a painful person
My love has died in this fragment of separation and it’s pitiful and tortuous
This night is lonely – As if a flower petal has fallen, your body grows further away
My heart in your train, whether it’s ripped, thrown away, hidden or burned
It remains like perfume, it remains like a picture
My love has died in this fragment of separation and it’s pitiful and tortuous
This night is lonely

Minggu, 15 April 2012

No more *Sahabat* of word in the dictionary

Sahabat selalu ada dalam susah maupun senang
Sahabat akan hadir di masa lalu dan di masa depan

Akan tetapi, nggak semua sahabat seperti itu
Sahabat bisa menjatuhkan, bisa juga sebaliknya

Nggak ada kala *Sahabat* dalam kamusku lagi
Karena kata *Sahabat* telah berubah menjadi saudara

Saudara atau keluarga baru dapat mengartikan arti tersendiri
Arti yg menggambarkan sebuah masa dalam waktu

Saudara ada yg baik dan ada juga yg buruk
Yg paling bermakna adalah kita semua tetap satu keluarga

Seperti apapun perjalanannya, apapun yg merubahnya
Keluarga akan bertemu walau dalam kondisi apapun

Dengan saudara, permasalahan dapat terselesaikan

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

The Past and The Future

The past is very influential impact on the future, because it's past not easy to remove. If in the past we made mistake, than the fault is still brought up today. Trying to change for the better, but the scar because of a mistake it would still remain.

What we can repeat back to the past? So all the mistakes we've ever made so we can remove it? What it means there will be no such thing as a mistake? Some people say it's matter of learning mistake, but what could change it back.

If only time could be controlled, i want to go to the past or future with easy. The risk would be more difficult than imagined. Have a great power, will have a big responsibility.

But what is there another way without having to the past or the future? What with so we don't need to think about the past? The past can't be thrown away, the past remains the past.

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Masa SMK bukan SMA

Dengar" masa SMA itulah yang paling asik atau berkenan, tapi jangan pikir masa SMK nggak seru, masa SMK kali ini berkesan dan satu hal yang paling penting setelah pada lulus dan sibuk pada kepentingan masing" kita masih meluangkan waktu bersama lagi.

Inilah masa" saat bahagia, yaitu dengan adanya teman" kita tak akan kesepian lagi. Dalam kamusku mereka semua adalah temanku, bukan sahabatku. Kenapa? karena mereka adalah teman di dalam suatu keluarga tersendiri, teman satu kelas, teman bermain, bahkan teman dengan adanya rasa suka.

Bahkan gurupun sudah dianggap sebagai teman sekaligus keluarga. Saat berstatus guru di sekolah tetaplah mengajarkan murid"nya, saat diluar sekolah bagaikan keluarga yg melenghkapi kehidupan di luar sekolah.Teman yg nggak ada di foto ini bukan berarti lain keluarga TKJ, tapi keluarga yg berada di dalam hati.

Berharap menambahnya tahun baik tahun" sebelumnya atau tahun" yg akan datang keluarga TKJ masih bisa mengumpul, walau nggak semuanya berkumpul tapi mereka tetap berkumpul di hati keluarga TKJ.

Inilah masa SMK yg melebihi teman atau guru melainkan keluarga